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Colorful Books

ED 800: Concepts Educational Inquiry (Summer 2020), EAD 860: Concept of Learning Society (Summer 2021)

​Dr. Steven Weiland

ED 800 introduced me educational inquiry through the works of John Dewey, E.D Hirsh, Howard Gardner, and more. Here I learned about the process of inquiry, its discoveries, and the role those in school systems have on implementing said strategies. This course was a great cause for reflecting on my own practices.


Another course taken by Dr. Weiland. Here I learned about what learning is, how it occurs, and it’s overreaching impact it has on society. This course also made me reflect on technology in the learning process. How it manages our connections with others along with aspects in different areas of our life such an work or school.

KIN 854: Legal/Admn Issues of Coaching (Spring 2021)

Dr. Alexandra Breske


KIN 854 helped me understand how to advocate for safety within my profession. During this course, I was involved in roleplay situations where I would manage facilities, coaches, parents, and the likes. Course work involved risk management plans and case studies on safety. This is a must for someone who’s a physical education teacher that wants to move up into being an athletic director.

Stock Exchange

​EAD 867: Case Studies in Ed Leadership (Fall 2021),​ EAD 876: Budget/Finance Higher Ed (Spring 2022)

​Dr. Lisa Gonzales, Dr. Gabriel Serna

Two back-to-back educational administration classes, the first being EAD 867 which wasn’t necessarily focused on case studies as the name applied, it was more so catered towards reflection in a leadership role. Here I saw things through a CRT lens. I was able to read how educational leaders of color had used theorical framework for the practices. Understanding different qualities leaders possess and how to empower those around you.


The second being EAD 879 which introduced me to the financial aspects of education. I learned how funds are allocated and how institutions would make forecasts before making financial decisions. This course offered me a way to learn a new skill in spreadsheets while also reflecting on the behind the scenes in education.

​EAD 850: Multicultural Education (Summer 2022)

​Dr. Leslie Gonzale


​EAD 850 introduced me to class and oppression in education. Here I examined the racial achievement gap and being aware of it. I also learned how societies as a whole are transitioning to a multicultural society. This is done by studying history throughout the course and how political issues have shaped practices in education.

Kids Playing Soccer

​KIN 857: Promoting Pos Yth Dev/Sport (Fall 2022)

Dr. Jennifer Roth

KIN 857 taught the importances of promoting positivity in youth through development and sports. Here, using the PYD model, I was able to locate 40 different developmental assets. Within these assets, I was able to create a PYD program to implement and how to find current programs as well. Lastly, I was able to learn how to evaluate others, specifically coaches in an athletic program.

​EAD 861: Adult Learning (Spring 2023)

​Dr. John Dirx

interaction in class

Having returned to graduate school to further my education and being close to finishing has built an interest in me taking this course. Here I learned about the different ways adults learn and why they decide what is important to learn. Here I also inquired on the socioeconomic status involved with learning and some of the barriers adults face. This course was helpful on reflection and growing as a person.

Leg Injury

​KIN 829: Safety and Injury Control (Summer 2023)

Dr. Jessica Wallace

Safety is imperative as a current physical education teacher. This course allowed me to create resources for not only my future self as I advance in my field, but others as well. I made presentations, flyers, and published letters advocating for safety. One of the most important take aways from this course was concussions and it's impacts that it has on sports.

​ED 870: Capstone Seminar (Fall 2023)

Dr. Matthew Koehler, Megan Harris

Web Design Portfolio

In this course I learned about the world of web design. With a collection of coursework during the entirety of my master's program, I tested and built my own digital portfolio. My hopes are to use this digital portfolio for future employers. After completion of this course, I may even build a website for my students from the knowledge and skills I gained.

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